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Yes, another vote for equestrian activities to be added, please?
I drive my ponies and compete. I use Strava as “velomobile”.
Another point - because, in England and Wales, local government rights of way planners and policy makers use the excellent global heatmap to analyse evidence of use, excluding equestrians means that horse riders and horse drivers are ignored.
In the UK 70% cyclists are male and 80% equestrians are female, so the latter are written out of plans for safe off-road routes, because they can’t contribute, leading to more road traffic accidents and equestrians and their horses getting injured and killed.
Horse riding and driving are important activities for keeping women especially involved regularly in sport, which is good for mental and physical health, as Sport England recognises. Many riders - and carriage drivers - are older, less able-bodied and disabled and riding and driving are good exercise, keeping people active and able to enjoy travelling in the countryside with friends and family.
Mobility scooters are included; can horse riding and carriage driving also be included?
I fully support the proposal that horseback riding in the countryside for pleasure (so hacking and longer distance riding in all its forms) be added to the Strava platform
There’s so many apps these days specially for horse riding an other equestrian sports. I myself am a keen endurance rider and use my other apps daily for this. I recently bought a Polar watch which is fantastic specifically due to having to maintain a manage the daily stats for both my horse an I. As have a lot of endurance riders throughout the world as this watch does it all and more. I have linked my Polar watch with the Strava app so they work in sync with each other and although the Polar watch has horse riding on it which I can get many valued stats from, having the Strava app work in conjunction with them both would make a huge difference in the timing and recovery rate of both horse an rider. when will the decision be made to either add this or not???
The ommision of Equestrian activities makes Strava look biased.however can a site like this overlook such a popular activity? I bet the decisions in strava are made by men. Suggest this serious ommision is corrected asap if Strava is to achieve credibility
Please add horse riding as an option. When I have used the app I have had to select walking or cycling as the option. There are millions of people that would use the app, if it was added. Instead we are using alternative apps now. Being able to use one app to record all types of physical activity would be great, especially as Strava can link to the gym app I have.
I would like to see horse riding included, please. It would be great to see the trails I use and check the distances when getting the horse (and me) fit, and I agree it is misleading to put it under MTB or hiking.
I think, for me, horse riding is also about training for longer events. I used to do endurance riding! Which relies on measuring average speeds when out riding and potentially heart rate (most endurance riders use horse heart rate monitors). There are dedicated riding apps, but the issue I have is also that I run and wanted one place to record all the data. I did try not to pollute other disciplines by logging all horse riding as ‘workouts’ but I lost a lot of the useful information that way. I would definitely recommend.
Including Horse riding would be very useful, as mentioned above this data feeds into Strava Metro heat maps, this is then used by Local Authorities to help target limited funding / apply for grants based on use / demand / "missing links". It can be potentially used as evidence, that spend in a certain area, then generated an increase in use, which can then help improve the opportunities for getting additional funding in the future.
It would be useful if this could be split between horse riding and carriage driving as these access different sorts of public rights of way in England and Wales.