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Yes! I use a different app for tracking my HR since strava doesn't have something that will track it, but would really like to keep my cycling and derby in the same place!
I track my Derby practices with my Garmin and it auto imports into Strava. I then change both my Garmin and Strava information to be an "Inline skate", it's a poor workaround that makes me sad everytime I have to do it.
Would love to have something specifically for roller derby! I also track practices (as "Other") on my Garmin watch then begrudgingly edit it to "Inline Skating" when it syncs to Strava. Also, might be a good idea to have something like "Team Sports" as a catch-all anyway
This is definitely needed! Roller skating has only continued to grow in popularity, so adding even quad skating as an option would be deeply appreciated by a sport community that includes countless equity-deserving players.
I track my roller derby practices as inline skating on Strava, which doesn't feel authentic or right in my mind, but as an athlete, it's the option I have. It would feel super validating to see roller skating or roller derby added as an option to Strava - and would bring visibility to a sport that is often overlooked and ignored.