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Default gear per sport type is a nice feature, BUT it appears you can only designate one bicycle/shoe to the default activity type. I have 4 mountain bikes and two different sets of hiking shoes, but only ONE mountain bike can be assigned the default activity Mountain Bike Ride and only ONE shoe may be designated to the default activity Hiking. It would be better if you could assign a default activity to EACH bicycle/shoe, so it would show that activity type by default when you choose that bicycle/shoe on your activity.

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.


What you're suggesting is a bit difficult to grasp, because in order for this to perform in the way you describe, the way an activity is recorded would have to be different -- requiring that one select their gear prior to selecting the activity. Correct me if I'm misunderstanding.
Not everyone has gear added to their profiles. What we designed was to facilitate not having to select the gear each time a specific sport type is performed -- and to allow different disciplines such as gravel ride, MTB, trail run, hike, etc. - to not all share the same gear. But this only works for one piece of gear per sport type. If you have multiple kinds of bikes and shoes, you can always select those afterwards, which we believe makes the most sense.

Pico de Orizaba

Maybe it's about having the possibility (not requirement) to select gear when starting the activity, so that you don't have to remember to do it after finishing the activity. But I guess this would only be useful for those who record through the Strava app... If it allowed to select either activity type or gear, the other field could be automatically populated (when you select one of your mountain bikes, activity type is automatically set to mountain bike ride).

For those of us who record on our watches or cycling computers, we anyway can't set the gear until it's been uploaded, and the activity type was typically already selected on the recording device.

Mt. Kenya

It's not difficult to grasp, its literally a feature request, it's completely normal, and natural, that it might require additional functionality or flows in the app. 

I have three regular bikes and an e-bike. If I choose e-bike ride, it will default to marking that ride as having taken place on my e-bike. If I choose "Ride", if I have more than one piece of gear assigned to that activity, it should then prompt me "what are you riding?" Heck, don't even start with the ride type if I have gear setup, start with the bike, and assume/ask the activity from there. 

Defaulting everyone to what most people do just to avoid some easy, optional choices is poor practice. 

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello. We wanted to let you know that your idea submission from last year will be archived. While this idea is interesting, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this and currently aren’t able to prioritize this idea.

Please note that your feedback is valuable to Strava. As stated in our Community Idea Guidelines, we receive many idea submissions each week, and realistically, there may be various reasons that prevent us from including an idea on our Product Roadmap.  

We want to thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

It would be interesting, in the equipment section, to be able to include a space to carry the bike maintenance control, chain change, Tubless maintenance, brake pad change, etc.

Thanks 👍