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Create activity with elevation using the API

Mt. Kenya

I'm currently working on integrating my climbing app with Strava, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. When I manually create an activity on Strava through the browser, I have the option to enter the elevation. However, when I try to do the same thing programmatically using the createActivity API, I can't seem to find an option to specify the elevation.

This is crucial for my climbing app's functionality, and without it, integrating with Strava is kind of pointless. Can anyone shed some light on what I might be missing here? Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



You have to use the uploads endpoint for that and upload the activity file that contains the elevation. The manual activity was only ever suited for indoor activities or as a workaround for missing parts of an outdoor activity.

I did try to upload a gpx file with elevation data, but Strava "corrected" the elevations, overwriting the provided ones.  Is there any documentation available from Strava about the necessary structure of those uploaded files?


@Jan_Mantau wrote:

The manual activity was only ever suited for indoor activities or as a workaround for missing parts of an outdoor activity.

This doesn't seem to be a limitation of a manual activity, but a limitation of the API since elevation can be specified when creating a manual activity using the website.

@ibex_climbs wrote:

This doesn't seem to be a limitation of a manual activity, but a limitation of the API since elevation can be specified when creating a manual activity using the website.

or perhaps it's supported in the API and it's just missing in the documentation!?