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Status: Gathering Kudos

Hi Strava Team,

What I really miss in Strava is the ability to analyse my different activities in a more flexible way. I use Strava to collect my activity data from multiple apps like Rouvy, Zwift, Garmin, Apple etc. That is really great! But now when I have all those data in one place, I am not able to analyse them in a flexible way.

Would be great to have the possibility to filter all my activity data by defining a free time period. And to get calculated all relevant key figures like for example time, distance, altitude.

I wish to know in total how long I was on my roadbike, what distance I made and what altitude I gained for
- last week
- last month
- last 2 months
- this year
- last year
- from March 10 till March 20 (or other free defined period)

This is just an example. There are much more thinkable scenarios. So as more felxible the analysis is as better for all of us 😉

A great place for such additional filter/analysis functionaltity would be the "My Activities" section.

I guess you would make a lot people very happy with this!!!

1 Comment
Status changed to: Gathering Kudos

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting. Some of the functionality you're looking for could be calculated in the Training Log.