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In Poland, after turning off Endomondo, many users use Strava, but in the free version. Many people complain that they do not use the premium version because there is no Polish translation.
Great idea to add a polish language to both WEB and APP. Polish community is still increasing as no real alternative from the moment when Endomondo died. I keep my fingers crossed for this feature to be added. I'm pretty sure more polish people will decide to purchase a Premium thanks to that.
Please add Polish language. Despite the enormous popularity of the application, you do not introduce the Polish language. This is blatant discrimination and lack of professionalism. It's no challenge for your programmers, but a huge help for many Poles. Let the statement serve as an encouragement that as long as there is no Polish language, I will not buy the full version. This is not just my opinion.
Will the Polish language be available in the Strava application? Many Polish users use the application and this language would be useful in the application.
Kiedy wprowadzicie język Polski do aplikacji? Przecież to nie jest żaden problem dla programistów. Dlaczego lekceważycie tyle próśb zawartych w opiniach do Waszej aplikacji? Jeśli wprowadzicie język Polski będziecie mieć więcej subskrybentów (w tym mnie). Taki Garmin potrafił wywiązać się z zadania a Wy? PROSZĘ WAS W IMIENIU SETEK (JAK NIE TYSIĘCY) POLAKÓW UŻYTKUJĄCYCH WASZĄ APLIKACJĘ - DOJCIE JĘZYK POLSKI.
When will you introduce the Polish language to the application? After all, this is not a problem for programmers. Why do you ignore so many requests included in the reviews for your application? If you enter the Polish language, you will have more subscribers (including me). This Garmin was able to fulfill the task, how about you? I'M ASKING YOU, ON BEHALF OF THE HUNDREDS (IF NOT THOUSANDS) OF POLES USING YOUR APPLICATION - LEARN THE POLISH LANGUAGE.
I know it's stupid but Strava team expect us (Polish community) to vote... If that would be treated earlier... just vote for it at the top message. Also ask your friends to do it (FB, Insta, Messanger groups, etc.). More "Likes" more attention we can gain.
It's great to see Strava expanding its reach by translating the app into Polish. This will undoubtedly make the platform more accessible and user-friendly for Polish-speaking athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Kudos to the team for listening to their diverse user base!
Please add Polish language. Despite the huge popularity of the application, you do not introduce the Polish language. This is blatant discrimination and lack of professionalism. This is not a challenge for your programmers, but a huge help for many Poles. Unfortunately, the lack of Polish language makes it difficult to fully use the application. This is not just my opinion.