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Status: Gathering Kudos

It would be really useful to be able to filter My Activities by the geographical location. Potentially allowing users to browse their heat map and when they click on an area of their heat map it lists all activities that occurred on that point. 

Mt. Kenya

I have asked for this for years, and since you bombard me with requests to subscribe, I'll tell you what it would take.

It's simple. The filtering available on my activities is rudimentary. I should be able to select 1 or more activity types, date ranges etc. and get totals and counts where they make sense.

I will never subscribe until you provide this simple enhancement. As a web designer/developer, I would think this would have been provided at first release. Showing tabular data with no proper filtering and reporting is just unacceptable.


Status changed to: Gathering Kudos

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Great idea 👍

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos
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STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Just being able to search for activities by location would be helpful. I can't search for past rides I've done in San Francisco unless it's in the title. I need to remember the unclever name I came up with or the date. 

Mt. Kenya

As PeteMacMTB suggested, it would be fantastic not to have to know the exact date of activities to find some rides. So, I definitely support the idea of this filter 🙂 I'd love to be able to filter activities by location to easily find specific rides I've done somewhere.


I want to be able to find a past activity of my own, by location instead of by name or date. I often can remember where I did something instead of when or what I named it (if I named it). Searching on a map specifically, would be most useful. 

This is helpful for myself if I want to repeat a route or share a route with a friend.

Mt. Kenya

Found this thread by searching Google. Please make it happen! Komoot has this functionality already which is very useful

Pico de Orizaba

I think someone has already posted it somewhere on the forum (can't find it now) but the website does it for a modest subscription fee. I purchased for a year. Once it connects with the Strava account, it transfers all of your activities and on your map when you click on or around a location, on a path, it lists all the activities that you did on that path (lists all the dates and titles of activities, it can be a large list) and you can click on each specific activity and it will take you to your specific strava activity. So when I sometimes wonder "hmm, when was it that I have visited this place?" I use this. Strava could have easily added this feature, but while Strava people are waiting to "vote" on it, third party apps such as this one are already raking in the money. Well, so be it. 

Mt. Kenya

Absolutely agree that searching activities by location would be a very useful feature.  As others have noted, I can only find an activity if I recall exactly when I did it or if I recall whatever activity name I chose.  Both of those are not really practical.  "Heat map" view would be perfect.

Mt. Kenya

Agreed, this would be such a layup to add and would greatly improve the feed experience


I would like to be able to choose which stats get displayed in My Activities. For example I might like to add the Max Speed column. Then I can sort the rides by max speed. Or I might like to add the bike used or the running shoes used etc. It would be nice to be able to add/remove stats from a drop down list of available stats. I appreciate that not all stats are applicable to all activities but you could just show the value as blank if the chosen stat does not apply to the current activity row such as when the user has not filtered the activities for a single activity type.

The stats chosen and their column order should be stored in the user profile so that they are remembered between sessions. I would also add a "reset to default" option somewhere too.

Once the above is done add an export to CSV option so that the configured columns can be exported for offline analysis.

Mt. Kenya

I like to search in My Activities to find certain routes back for different types of activities. I don't always remember the name or date, but usually I do remember the rough location. There is however no way to search in "My Activities" based on location. Since my list of activities is growing every year, it becomes near impossible to find things back.

I thought that a few years back, you could click on your activities on your personal heatmap and find them back that way. But now I seem unable to click on the heatmap to open the corresponding activities?

Please add a few extra search filters, you have all the data anyway.


It would be great to add Location as one of the search by keyword features in activities.

This is important to me because I want to see a list of all my completed activities in a specific city, state or country if i type the name of that location. 

I just tried to do this today by typing in location in activity search, but was not able to find my activities. I had to search by date instead. 

Shant Hagopian
Attorney & Athlete
Next race: LA Marathon (3/17/24)
Mt. Kenya

This is a great idea! It would be great if we could have a recap of activities by countries "visited" : Add Profile Info to show the list and the number of countries "visited"