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Status: Open To Voting

Under segments compare there's the choice to see times and ranks against a filter of age, followers and the like and there's a today filter which is really useful for seeing how you and your buddies did on a section, however, it would be HUGELY useful if there was a filter by date option even if you could select a specific date going only back a few days. Ideally we could be able to select an unlimited date range for eg. The weekend of *>*



Yes, huge +1 here. 

This comes up most often after I've participated in an organized bike race and I want to see how everyone did that day on certain segments. Unfortunately I can no longer view the leaderboard for that specific day once that day has passed. 

Or, I might have put in a solid effort on a segment on a particular day and want to see how I fared against others who rode that same segment with those conditions on that same day. I am no longer able to see that leaderboard view after that day has passed.

"Yesterday" helps, but a custom date range would solve almost all needs here. 

Pico de Orizaba

+1 totally agree! surprised strava have not thought about it themselves!

Mt. Kenya

Currently, you can only search standings/results by all/this year/this month, etc. It would be helpful (particularly in the COMPARE screen) to be able to filter results by a custom date range. For example: if i'm trying to compare my effort in a race verse a competitor, I can't compare the actual race data if their best time on that segment happened at a previous date.

like right now, if i want to compare my race on June 24, 2023 vs someone else in that race but their best time was in 2015 I can't select COMPARE and then get that same race day, I can only compare all of my results vs their best ever time. 

If i was doing this comparison on Dec 31, 2023, I could select "this year" but once its 2024, its no longer possible, custom date search would allow direct comparisons on any specific day.

Pico de Orizaba

Totally agree with that ^^^

Mt. Kenya


We have a MTB track and we keep this up to date. From time to time we change it a bit or we add new (short) tracks. Because of several extensions and update on our track, the original segment is not correct anymore. Only when we create a new one, we still see all the old times from the old activities.
Is it an idea to add a start and end date to an segment, so we don't see the old activities on a new segment?
Thanks in advance.

Mt. Kenya

 @Jane Thanks for moving my post, but this is a bit different.
They want to compare when they analyze the segment.
We just don't want to see the old activities in our new segment.

Moderator Moderator

Hello @RdW 

We get many hundreds of ideas submitted each year, and we merge similar ideas together.  This means that we may merge your idea with another idea on that subject, even if what you are proposing is not identical.  This helps us gather feedback on a particular feature in one central location which makes it easier for our Product Teams to review.  It also prevent votes/kudos from being split across multiple, similar ideas, which reduces the visibility of the core topic.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I totally agree with this idea!!
I have now situation that we had country skiing race last weekend (now it is monday). We had race on saturday and sunday on the same track. Weather was totally different on saturday and sunday so also result times differs a lot on both days. Sunday was much faster 
I want to compare my efforts on saturday and also on sunday but now I can see only the fastest times on the sunday.
It would be great if you can select the day you want to compare 🙂

Mt. Kenya


i would love it if the ‘Today’ leaderboard retained the results from the day I completed that segment (when viewed through an activity), rather than always being refreshed to today’s date.

Unless I check the today leaderboard on the day of my activity, it renders it completely pointless, as I am no longer comparing similar weather conditions, or seeing the times from people who I was riding with.



Easy one, also related to the master idea I submitted to completely restructure how segments database operates:

What: Allow segment leaderboards to be filtered for a specific date in the past. Today options are limited (today, this year, etc). 

Why: it’s useful for example for competitive racing. Coming back in time and checking all competitors time in the day of the race, allows people to get a better grip of how everyone performed. 


Mt. Kenya

That's very interesting. If you want to do this now, you have to wait till the endo of the day and check it.

When the day finish you can't check this ono more time

It's nice to see how fast the people was the day of the event.

Thank you

Mt. Kenya

I'm suggesting this feature enhancement from the perspective of a mountain biker.

As most mountain bikers will know, mountain bike trails can change significantly over time for many reasons, for example: erosion, addition/removal of trail features, line alterations etc.

This can make leader boards and QOMs/KOMs become irrelevant over time, especially if a trail changes in a way that increases times.

I've seen many cases where people have tried to create a new segment with the year in the label, yet when I look at the leader board, I see Strava has added efforts which have matched the new segment, regardless of how old that effort may be.

This is probably less of an issue for road running or road cycling for example, as a segment is much less likely to change significantly in a way which would impact segment times for those sports, but even then, road and path layouts can change, so this may be a valuable option for those activities too.

My suggestion is that there should be an option when creating a segment as to whether Strava automatically adds historical efforts to a newly created segment if a match is found.


I totally understand what you are saying with regards to trails changing over time, but the big problem I see with the idea you are proposing is that it will almost certainly lead to a ton of new duplicate segments.  People will be making "new" segments all the time due to very minor, if any, changes to the trail.  Get a little washout due to a rainstorm, someone will feel that justifies a "new" segment.  If segment creation were limited to the trail system manager (I am not advocating for that in any way, just using as an example), then your idea might make more sense because the trail manager would be more discerning with regards to frequency of creating new segments, but left to the general public and every John Doe who thinks they made the fastest ride with the current conditions will want to create a new segment to prove it.  

Mt. Kenya

I get what you're saying. The problem would also then mean it becomes difficult to view your post-activity achievements when there ends up being dozens of matching segments, but there has to be a better way than having KOMs and top 10s no longer being attainable after a certain point in a trail's history if it has changed beyond the point where any rider could be capable of putting a quicker time in on it. 

When that becomes the case, the "All Time" and all other leader boards based on all time results essentially become obsolete. Wasteful data storage. The only leader board worth looking at becomes "This Year", but we don't have the fun of QOM/KOM and top 10 trophy features there. Perhaps that would be a reasonable alternative?





Just my 2c... Maybe it would be worth implementing a "fresh start date" feature for segments: if a segment changes significantly (whatever criteria such a change requires), new stats are collected for the segment, and the old ones are retained as historical. Meaning - new KOMs are possible but the old ones are still on the record. Perhaps it's not trivial to implement but it would surely meet the need described by @Skaiwalker while avoiding segment duplication at the same time.