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Zou leuk zijn voor alle Framerunners dat is ze dit ook goed kunnen registreren via Strava. 

Translation:  It would be nice for all Framerunners to be able to register this properly via Strava.


Hello @Tinus 

Thanks for posting on the Strava Community Hub!  I just wanted some clarification on your post.  Can you confirm you are asking for frame running to be added as an activity type on Strava?  Also, please confirm the frame running you are referring to is what is depicted at this link.  

Thank you.


Hey @Tinus

We haven’t heard back from you and wanted to follow up.  If you still have a question, please provide us with some clarification on your post. Can you confirm you are asking for frame running to be added as an activity type on Strava?  Also, please confirm the frame running you are referring to is what is depicted at this link.    Thanks!
