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Strava support request listed as "solved" when they haven't been responded to


@Jane @Scout - Can anyone explain why my latests strava support tickets are listed in the support center as "solved" when they haven't even been looked at by Strava or responded to in any way?  The two in question at the moment are support requests #2798283 and #2798650.  The second was created as a follow up to the first one since the first one was not actually solved or responded to in any way but it was immediately marked as "solved" in your system.  I have one other support request that is listed as "open".  Does the system only allow a single open support request?  


Thanks for the follow up post and for your feedback. We are aware that this is a limitation to the system we use. A support ticket can be new, open, pending, solved or closed. At this time, there is no merged option. 

As for submitting different tickets for different inquiries, we understand that there are times where tickets with different inquires will be merged. Although this may not seem like the best route, we feel that it is best to merge the tickets so that the support agent has full knowledge of what the person is needing assistance with and can streamline the response for the user. If you do have multiple inquires, we ask that you submit one ticket with multiple questions rather than a new ticket for each inquiry. 

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We appreciate your feedback and this has been shared with our team. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post



@Scout - Your "system" should make some kind of indication that the tickets were merged.  First, there was absolutely ZERO connection between those tickets, so they should not have been merged.  Second, if they were merged for some reason, there should have been some note on each of them indicating as such, not just a tag on the ticket the moment it was submitted noting it as "solved".  Third, if you are just going to automatically note a ticket as "solved", there should be a notification to the user that it has been tagged as such.  It shouldn't just happen behind the scenes so the only way we find out is when we go back to check after not hearing any response for days.  

Thanks for the follow up post and for your feedback. We are aware that this is a limitation to the system we use. A support ticket can be new, open, pending, solved or closed. At this time, there is no merged option. 

As for submitting different tickets for different inquiries, we understand that there are times where tickets with different inquires will be merged. Although this may not seem like the best route, we feel that it is best to merge the tickets so that the support agent has full knowledge of what the person is needing assistance with and can streamline the response for the user. If you do have multiple inquires, we ask that you submit one ticket with multiple questions rather than a new ticket for each inquiry. 

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We appreciate your feedback and this has been shared with our team. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Moderator Moderator

Hey @anchskier
Sorry for the confusion. I took a look at your support tickets and found the following: 
ticket 2798283 came it on Thursday (Jan. 11) 05:01 pm
ticket 2798650 came in on Friday (Jan. 12) 08:16 am
These tickets were merged into ticket 2796775 that was received on Jan 09 04:38 pm. Our system will automatically merge support tickets from a user if they come in within a short amount of time.  We have found that some users will create multiple support tickets about a single issue, hence the merging of tickets. This is to ensure that we do not have more than one support agent working on different tickets that contains repetitive inquiries. 

We understand that there are times that the tickets will contain different inquiries, however, we feel that it is best to merge them and the support agent can address multiple inquiries in a single ticket. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


@Bryant - The last two have absolutely nothing to do with the first one you say it was merged with.  They should be addressed separately.  I just looked at those and there is zero indication of any kind that they have been merged, at least not on the side I can see.  Each one still only has the one entry that I originally submitted.  No response.  No note that it has been merged or moved.  Nothing.  As far as having multiple open requests, it wouldn't be an issue if it didn't take multiple days for Strava to respond to a support request.  

Moderator Moderator

Hey @anchskier,
I took a look at the request you're referring to. It looks like you're last two request were merged into your first request.
To answer your question, we do recommend opening only one support request at a time to avoid any confusion when responding. We will make sure someone can investigate your issue as soon as possible.

STRAVA | Community Hub Team

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