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Hello everyone, I'am discovering the Strava API and i have already an issue with the fonctionnality "explore segments"

This is my code :

http get "[48.750242,5.116399597167978,48.79404419496171,5.216993164062509]&activity_type=riding" "Authorization: Bearer my_token"

I ran it in the command prompt and none segments are found. Can you help me ?

Hey @osco55 - it's possible that there are no segments in the location that you're requesting data for. 

We'd recommend first doing a test on an area where you know there are a lot of segments. 

Issue resolved, i put datas locations in a array but i didn't need

the right request for example :,5.120762279830107,48.795644130969826,5.219697&activity_type=riding
