I am following the steps of the getting started guide: https://developers.strava.com/docs/getting-started/#oauth
I am on step 11, attempting to make an authentication request in Postman, equivalent to the one shown in the guide. When I make the request in Postman (see image below), I get a response of a Strava page saying 'Sorry, this one stays red.'
I also tried using the end 'api/v3/oauth/token' endpoint from this example cURL request in the authentication documentation: https://developers.strava.com/docs/authentication/#:~:text=always%20be%20%22authorization_code%22.-,Example%20cURL%20Request,-curl%20%2DX%20POST . But I ran into the error described in this post: https://communityhub.strava.com/t5/developer-discussions/api-v3-auth-error/m-p/25187 which indicates that 'api/v3/oauth/token' isn't even a valid endpoint.
What am I doing wrong?