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Hi!, since lasta day when I insert data like this:

NP:190.1W AVG:168.1W 146.3ppm 31.3Km/h

On database the data are correct inserted (When they are edited they come out correct), but when the description is visualiced, is showed this:


I tried lost of things , and is posible the characters ".", or "." are not acepted... What is the problem?

I have been inserting that data in that format in the description for years

It is related to Strava's new "feature" to remove URLs. A temporary fix would be to add a space between the numbers and the units, e.g. "NP:190.1 W AVG:168.1 W 146.3 ppm 31.3 Km/h"

Effectively the "X.Y" format is being interpreted as a URL and is being removed.

