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Hello, I made an application that allows users to see the latest activity and weekly and monthly race statistics, but I ran into the problem that when I want to log in with another device it rejects it. I think it is because of the limit that the application has, is it because of this or am I doing something wrong? Any possible solution?

What error do you get?

Uncaught error requesting oauth code: (Ask Gemini)
jw0.d: HTTP 500
at jw0.a$a.f(ProGuard:24)
at jw0.b$a.onResponse(ProGuard:9)
at iw0.p$a.onResponse(ProGuard:9)
at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$

I am doing tests and indeed when I deauthenticate one device it allows me to authenticate on another. What can I do with this limit?

That error doesn't seem to be coming from the Strava API or if it does, it's missing the error description the Strava API usually sends.

I get this error when I press authorize in the webview and there is already an authenticated user. If there is no authenticated user, it is authorized correctly
