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Hi, can I change the default summary information that is displayed after I complete a cycle. For example right now 'Distance', Elevation Gain' and 'Time' or 'Achievements' are shown on the summary at the top. Can I say replace 'Time' / 'Achievements' with 'Average' Speed'?

                      Thanks, Noel Shannon

Hello @noelshan 

Thanks for your post. 

Thanks for writing in. The activity data you see when viewing an activity in the feed cannot be edited and may be slightly different from activity to activity depending on the activity type and the activity itself.

For example, for a running activity, the elevation will appear in place of pace/speed if the elevation gain is greater than 100ft per mile. Otherwise, pace/speed will be visible on the dashboard.

The information you see may also be dependent on the length of the text. For example, if you are not seeing elevation or pace but an empty space this may be because the time and distance take up more room on the screen, and therefore the next set of data (elevation or pace) is not displayed since there is limited room.

I hope that helps explain the situation.

Did you get any other input? For some time, the summary changed, and it is now showing the power W but no longer the heart like to make my own display of selected factors for me
