well, this is not worth paying for
Hello! Thanks for reporting this. I've checked with our Team and we're aware of a technical issue that may impact some Athletes who are trying to create longer routes.
Sincere apologies for this issue. Our Team is working on a fix, and we will update this thread when we have an update. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you.
it’s really poor bug testing. Going to check out Komoot as heard good things about it.
FWIW, I really loved the old routeplanner in the app. Always gave me great suggestions and it was so easy to generate 3 new routes to choose from.
the new planner only works half the time and it always suggests the same routes that don’t start at my location. So I still have to edit them on the laptop 😩
wish I could reverse the update. 😕😕
We too.
Strava knows about the problem but no fix
This is not a "minor problem". Whereas I before could create good routes everywhere, most places now result in zero routes or routes that are not satisfying the criteria. Just roll back to previous version and then get some user feedback before you make changes.
We hope you fix this issue as soon as possible , it has made the route generator completely useless otherwise!
Hi Jane, any updates on this issue?
Any update on this? I will cancel my subscription if this doesn't get fixed. Ridiculous to remove such an essential feature.
Partial fix. The routes it now generates are a bit random. Distances can be strange and doesn’t seem to look at hilly vs flat.
So getting better but still broken
Just tested it. 100% what Wurfy said. A little better but still not what it used to be….
I would also like a button to generate 3 new options. With the old planner there was a workaround by switching back and forth between segments and routes.
So strange that you brake something that worked really great. Maybe a different service provider that was cheaper? Can’t think of any other reason.
In my region (Belgium) it looks a lot better! Sort of back to the old days 🙏🙌
Can you guys confirm?
It's still broken for me. It no longer generates routes everywhere. It just shoes me 3 prefabricated ones starting at my position and several others starting elsewhere (= useless) and none of them matches the parameters I specified. This is just so bad.
Same for me too, get three route and no way to re-search for more.
route creating platform still not working. c'mon guys. its friday and were paying premium for this. get it together.
I don't think they care - it's been a while and multiple app updates made
Hi @Jane11. Still waiting patiently. The random route generator is a key feature and a major motivation for me. I so enjoy running different routes at any time and at any place, I really was happy with it. I face the same things which are described here in the thread. Fun fact, I live in an area with flat in southeast, hilly in northwest. I use the German language in the app, I dont know the original name of choosing hills. Anyway, always when I choose the route suggestion to have elevation inside, I am directed into the flat land. Nonsiggestions for my local hills area. I am thrown back years as I have to manually create routes again, like many many years ago. So I am waiting patiently to have the feature back. For me ist is a subscriber key feature, if routes do not perform again, I dont need the subscription.
Still waiting patiently.
Hey Jane,
we haven't heard anything from you for 3 month now. Route planning is still a mess and it is not very polite to leave us without any information for this time period, as this is a feature we are paying a lot of money.
I am also thinking about canceling my subscription and instead give the money to Komoot. I don't think their route planning tool is better than the one Strave offered before killing it, but at least it is working at all.
So, please could you give us any feedback, outlook, status, whatever just to let us know if it makes sense to wait longer or if you don't plan to fix that or if you stick to this new version of "building your own route" (as it doesn't create routes by itself).
My 10 login badge I earned right now is useless 🙂
The new feature to see global heatmaps for the different sports is nice to have but not important. Important is that strava cant generate a 10km route with elevation in my area. I do not need to find routes where the 5 other people are running in my area. I just would like to generate routes like Strava did before. Each time random, always exploring nee ways and tracks. That was fun. The fun is gone at the moment. You van keep bothe ways of routing generation. Just let the user decide which to use. Please…
Happy running
I'm glad I found this thread as I was really upset with the Routes function.
It is really broken at this point.
For example the link below will open a picture of an official route (with signs and color coding and everything):
https://www.amsterdamsebos.nl/publish/pages/430281/21km.png ![]()
But Strava Route from the same starting point:

Oh boy.... so it's pretty useless atm.
And, like everybody else, I don't like the prefabricated 3 routes from your GPS location.
The previous random generator was way more valueable.