It would be really helpful to have rate of elevation gain (i.e. ft/mile) displayed in activity summaries so compare at a glance relative climbing.
In addition it would be great to have runs categorised using fell running categorisation
("Fell running races are categorized by both distance and difficulty:
DistanceRaces are categorized as short (S), medium (M), or long (L):
Short: Less than 6 miles (9.6 km)
Medium: Between 6 and 12 miles (19.3 km)
Long: More than 12 miles
Races are categorized as A, B, or C, with A being the most difficult and C being the least:
A: Average of at least 250 ft of climb per mile, and no more than 20% of the race on roads
B: Average of at least 125 ft of climb per mile, and no more than 30% of the race on roads
C: Average of at least 100 ft of climb per mile, and no more than 40% of the race on roads")