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I'm trying to set an informative picture in the top of Club page. But it's very difficult because for the web version, the page is cut. In the App the picture seems ok as expected.

The result should be the same for App and Web.

I suggest to uniform the picture results between App ad web 




Hey @vieldani,

Thank you for providing this feedback.

All Club cover photos displayed on the web will be cropped to some extent. This is because we cut the image at mobile ratio which results in the web image having part of top and bottom hidden. On mobile, the displayed dimension is 1185x580px and on the web it is 1185x393px. 

We'll be sure to pass this feedback to our design team

From today there is the possibility to set a picture of Club page from App (Android).

I can say it doesn’t work well. From starting picture there is different crop visualizations.

Picture from Edit page from App:


Picture from Clube page App:

Picture on web version:

