12-14-2023 07:58 AM
I have been on Strava for a while, but just joined this community.
I've been walking and jogging for over 15 years, but started cycling recently.
Now it seems I am into cycling more!
12-17-2023 03:05 PM
@Shant Thank you very much and wish you a great day too.
12-14-2023 08:18 PM
Hey @kneth,
Welcome to the Community Hub and thanks for your post! Do you do mostly road cycling or indoor/stationary biking? I prefer biking our local bike path that is pretty flat as I'm not a fan of hills ⛰.
We're glad to have you part of the community and look forward to your contributions!
12-15-2023 09:22 PM - edited 12-15-2023 09:25 PM
Thank very much for the welcome!
I love the outdoors, so it's road cycling for me! I am also not a fan of hills, but I can't avoid them in this area... but they aren't too steep, so I manage.
Welcome to the Community - here is your guide to help you get started!