Hi @StevenHB,
Thanks for posting! So that you are aware, we are working toward improving a lot of the functionality found in Clubs on Strava, including the ability to invite new members to a club.
Currently, you will only be able to invite the first 500 athletes that you followed on Strava and that follow you back. You will not be able to use this tool to invite athletes with whom you do not have a mutual following relationship on Strava, nor will you be able to use it to invite any athlete with whom you do have a mutual following relationship if you already have 500 prior mutual following relationships with other athletes. In these cases, your best option is to copy the club URL and either invite them off of Strava, such as by email, or by commenting on athlete activities with the link to invite them to join the club.
I was also able to recreate the issue you listed in point 2 exactly once. It appears the invitation was sent, however, and I was not able to reproduce the issue again. Please try closing the invite window should this occur again, and then try inviting again to see if the issue persists. If so, please create a support ticket through our help center to report the issue, and we can follow up with you directly there to collect more information.
I hope this helps!
Thank you, Sonny. I'd have to imagine that the issue is whether I have bidirectional following relationships with those I was unable to add since I do not follow 500 athletes.
It was a message inviting me to join the beta of revamped of club functionality that led to my trying to invite more members.