Hi folks,
I need help with something that should be straightforward. I want to execute the Get API Call List Club Activities (getClubActivitiesById) [https://developers.strava.com/docs/reference/#api-Clubs-getClubActivitiesById]. I meet the pre-requisite of being a member of the club I want to extract data from.
Via Postman I execute the following actions:
1. Get Action: https://www.strava.com/api/v3/clubs/**bleep**/activities?page=&per_page=
2. In the Headers Section I define the Key field as "Authorization" and specify its value with "Bearer 'YourAccessToken'"
3. The response I get is the following:{ "message": "Bad Request", "errors": [ { "resource": "Application", "field": "page", "code": "invalid" } ] }What is weird is that the API call does get picked up as an API call on the API Usage report in the My Application API section. I hence conclude that the API call is executed correctly but I am lacking authorization, but I am sure I use the right token at the right time.
Hence my question:
What am I doing wrong here?
I appreciate ANY help on this one.
Thank you and best regards