10-31-2023 11:39 AM
I am trying to utilize the Export GPX endpoint for a feature in a mobile application. However I am running into a 404 error when I actually go to use the endpoint. I know that this endpoint requires a read_all scope for private parameters which I already included in my webform url
This is how I have my exportGPX endpoint set up as well..
11-02-2023 02:25 PM
That doesn't look like a json response for a route, I would wager this is an activity summary. What endpoint did you use to get that?
11-03-2023 07:00 AM
Actually I used /athlete/activities maybe thats the problem... I thought it was giving me my routes as the names lined up. Let me try /athletes/{id}/routes to see if that has a different ID
11-03-2023 06:57 AM
And to make things more clear: You can't use activity ids for getting the gpx or tcx file for that activity. Only for planned routes you can get a file. The endpoint for getting the route ids for planned routes is https://developers.strava.com/docs/reference/#api-Routes-getRoutesByAthleteId
11-02-2023 01:10 PM
The json response from getting all the routes contains many different types of id fields, please make sure to use the right one.
11-02-2023 01:41 PM
Here is a JSON response that I am using. I took out IDs/coords for the purpose of this but I am using the ID field with the value of 67890. I am able to use other endpoints with this ID as well.
11-02-2023 10:31 AM
I tried putting the function directly inside the other function that gets routes from Strava. Using the ID directly from the JSON response and I still get a 404 error...
11-01-2023 03:36 PM
Most likely is you're using a wrong id for {route_id}
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