Same problem. Looking forward for solution.
Hello @thehinhcom & @Ivan_M,
Thanks for your posts. There are a few things that could be causing this. I'm not sure what devices you are using, but please take a look at the following:
Battery optimization settings on Android can impact how the device will record steps for 'walk' activities.
First, find your phone’s location settings and make sure that you are using the option that allows for best GPS performance/accuracy.
Then find and disable your phone’s battery saver settings. These are typically located in Settings > Battery > Battery Saver.If your phone has a battery management mode, please turn it to “off” instead of “medium” or “high”.
how the steps count is calculated on the iOS mobile app: Our system looks at vertical oscillation recorded by your phone hardware during the workout, and that is written to the activity file as steps. The vertical oscillation movement can vary depending on the location of your phone during the recording process. For example, having your phone in your pocket will more closely follow your leg movement during walking versus say, having your phone to your ear or in a backpack or stroller. The step count written to the activity file can vary depending on how your hardware captured the vertical oscillation.
If you still have issues after making adjustments, please submit a support ticket and our team will take a closer look. Please be sure to include a link to your activity and the device (make/model/OS) you are using. This will help our support team to further assist you.
Have you checked “Data permissions” in the settings has Health related data set to Allow?
I am having the same issue, I just got back from a half an hour walk of 1.77 miles and Strava said I completed it in 28 steps! I have just changed that setting to Allow so will see if it works.
I am using an iPhone 14 Pro Max, fully up to date running iOS 17.2.1. All app permissions were already allowed, I also changed location permission to “always” allow not just “while using the app”. If I checked the Apple fitness app steps are fine at 3,784.
The step count is all over the place IME for example; 1.69 miles 630 steps; 2.76 miles 110 steps; 0.79 miles 600 steps. Can it be turned off ? There is no Applications, Services, and Devices > Health in which to toggle Steps on or off in the apps settings on my phone and no heaith settings in the phone setttinh