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I found a road with a wrong surface type while planning a route on Strava. I checked on OSM and, on there, the surface is indeed correct from at least 5 years. How can a user report/fix this kind of errors?

Hey @gabrielesani,

You can learn about the Maps used on Strava, and how to make contributions, within our support article here:

Seems like an unhelpful answer in this case where OSM is already correct since 5 years.

As Jan_Mantau already wrote the data on OSM was already correct 5 years ago. Where can I share the exact path where I see the error? Or there could be anything else messing up with the data coming from OSM?

Hey @gabrielesani,

There are additional factors that could be contributing to this data not reflecting what you see in OSM. We also work with Mapbox to provide most of the actual maps that athletes see, including those that are used to draw and display Routes.

Like Strava, Mapbox uses OSM, though the rate of ingestion of new changes in OSM does not always line up between the two. This means that what you may see on the maps (from Mapbox) may be slightly different than what actually gets shown within Routes inside Strava.

Thanks for the answer @Bryant . And there is no way to check correct the data coming from MapBox, correct?

Hey @gabrielesani,

Generally no. This is why we suggest athlete's submit their feedback through OSM. However, because we're pulling data from multiple sources discrepancies are still possible as in your case with the surface type.

@Bryant Thank you very much for the clarification
