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Feedback on “Your Weekly Snapshot” feature


I’m now seeing the “Your Weekly Snapshot” at the top of my feed when using the app. I do not enjoy how this serves almost entirely to make me feel bad about my effort so far in the current week. This is detrimental to my experience on Strava. 

My training schedule each week is highly variable due to plenty of factors such as work, personal commitments, weather, etc. I should not have to see a feature telling me I haven’t been working as hard when I have been putting in more or the same amount of effort as my schedule allows. 

Please enable a toggle for this feature so we do not have to see it. 

101 REPLIES 101

Mt. Kenya

Came here looking for a way to make this optional - it feels very much like it should be. I feel like this is doubling up on the information Strava already provides in the progress tab under "you". If I want to view that data I know where to find it.

There are other "forced reflections" that could also be made optional like "this time last year" showing a similar event you did last year -  this such a pain when your trying to review/edit and manage a triathalon event you do each year - it splits into  5 different events, then your dealing with this years and last years version .. ahh! Please make that optional as well.

Its possible your overloading the feed Seems to be generating a lot of anger and frustration - hopefully you can find the balance. Thanks for taking my feedback!

Mt. Kenya

Agree that this feature should be optional. There are many legitimate reasons to modulate intensity and volume. Strava is not a coach, and having these numbers at the top of the feed constantly is distracting.

Mt. Kenya

Please let us choose if we want to have this snapshot docked on top of our feed or not.

I sincerely hate it. If I want this info, I have an appropriate tab for it...

Thank you!

Mt. Kenya

I find the snapshot at the top of my feed absolutely dreadful. It isn't useful for training, please at least make it optional. I have been considering deleting the app as it seems to align more with the negative aspects of social media, encouraging always more engagement and comparisons. I absolutely hate this feature. 

Mt. Kenya

I agree completely with Windrunner, please make ‘Your weekly snapshot’ a toggleable item with immediate effect. 


Since I posted this in January, two changes have been made. 

  • Arrows are now grey instead of green/red
  • The information is smaller but inexplicably lies within the same size box atop the feed

This is not helping! The same effect still happens when I open my app and have to see those numbers. It is still designed to make you want to do “more more more” to an unhealthy level. PLEASE let us disable this feature to give us the peace of mind and our feed back. 

Mt. Kenya

Please remove the weekly snapshot. This is terrible for mental health ☹️

Mt. Kenya

I used to like opening Strava and seeing my lovely friends activities, now I see this awful red red red. It makes me feel rotten! Not a fan.

Mt. Kenya

Yes. Fck weekly snapshot!!

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