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So, recently I did a ride (bike), one that I do exactly quite often, every couple of weeks for the last few years.

Matched rides used to pop up and show me all of these rides going all the way back to 2019. Now, suddenly, I only see matches for the last couple of months.

Also, I different ride regular ride today, exact same route as usualy and matched rides isn't even showing up.

Is anyone else noticing this? Could there be something wrong with my data?

Hello @chris_chris 

Thanks for posting about this.  Sorry for this discrepancy.  A small deviation or error in an activity recording can cause an activity not to match to the existing group of matched activities. When this happens, the activity can create a new cluster that is very similar to the original cluster. From this point forward, your activities will match the cluster with that they share the most similarities.

We realize this can cause some confusion - apologies for that.  I recommend reviewing our knowledge base article on this topic.

The same issue happened to me this morning.  I did the exact same route that I've done many times in the past, and matched rides did not show up on today's activity page.  I'm a subscribed member too.  What's up with that?

@RichardLe if this is still happening, please submit a support ticket and send us over the links to the activities that should match so we can look in to this further. 

Hello, the issue seems to be fixed as of 08/29/2023.  Thank you so much.

@RichardLe Thanks for the update; glad all is good now!

Not sure if this is correct place to post this comment.

"Matched Activity" feature not working again!
