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Every time I comment on a notable activity (such as a race) of another Strava user, my email inbox get flooded with comments from other users on the same activity, most of whom I don't know and completely uninterested in their comments. Most of these comments are simple congratulations.

Is there any way to stop that? I have already unchecked a corresponding option for a push notification, but I still get emails. For example, after yesterday's race, in which I also participated, I received at least 20 such emails about someone who I don't know commenting on another person's race. 

Hey @Silentvoyager
We're going to send this over to our Support team so they can take a look at your account settings and gather more info, if needed. If you have a similar question please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further.

I don't really see a setting for this. Looking at email notification settings (which by the way are only visible on the web) I see the following:

None of these really covers the case "when someone comments on an activity that I also commented on". Unless someone mentions me, which wasn't the case, I shouldn't be notified by email.


