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Remove "walks" from running challenges and expand challenges for walks


Walks have been added to running challenges as of January 2024 and as a person who does both run and walk acitvities as separate sports, this has ruined the experience of challenges in the app for me, and in general.

My walks are no counting towards running challenges which rightly used to be separate. They are separate sports.

I found an idea here from last year where somebody requested the opposite and now it has been implemented. From their point of view, they were lesser abled and some walks "felt" like runs to them, which i acknowledge - however, the solution there is ti simply record a running workout on your device, not a walk.

To improve the experience for walkers then more 5k, 10k and monthly mileage challenges can be set up to keep it interesting. 

Last year I really enjoyed tracking my walking challenge and sepaately doing the running challenges. 

Now there are fewer challenges in total which seems like the app is getting worse, not better.

Also importantly need to point out that runs are not included in the walking challenges.... I guess that's the real punchline to this joke.


115 REPLIES 115

100% agree. If this is not rectified I will not renew Strava. 

Hey look at me, I’m swimming on asphalt.

I can’t wait to start canoeing my walks to keep them separate from my runs.

Pico de Orizaba

Someone else wrote this, and I can’t put it better myself:

“You have defined walks as a different activity than runs, so they should not be combined for a challenged under the title of one specific activity.  You had a whopping total of 6 (yes, six) people support the idea of adding walks to runs.  You have had multiple times that number of separate threads (not to mention support of each thread) requesting you go back to separate challenges.  Can you provide even a simple explanation as to why you are continuing this?”

For context with the 6 people that wanted runs and walks merged, there are 3,200 in a group on Strava asking for it to be reversed.  

it might be embarrassing for you, but the sooner you admit the mistake and correct it, the better 


@Jane @Scout - What the heck?  I see you are continuing to completely ignore your users.  Walks are included again for the March "running" challenges.  Why do you bother to call them "running" challenges at this point anyway if you are going to include walking?  You have defined walks as a different activity than runs, so they should not be combined for a challenged under the title of one specific activity.  You had a whopping total of 6 (yes, six) people support the idea of adding walks to runs.  You have had multiple times that number of separate threads (not to mention support of each thread) requesting you go back to separate challenges.  Can you provide even a simple explanation as to why you are continuing this?  You at least owe us that.  

Pico de Orizaba

Any update on this? It looks like the March challenges are still only offering this new type of “running” challenge that includes walks but still no actual running challenge! Would it be so difficult to make this a “100K movement” challenge for the people who wanted the combined run/walk option and a separate “100K running” challenge for runners (who seem to comprise most of this app’s audience)? Please??


My paid subscription is due for renewal in the next few months so I’ve been checking out the stats on my Garmin Connect app. It’s linked to my watch which I use for all my runs and they’re actually pretty good. You can overlay things like heart rate, pace and cadence. You can see lap times, and a heat map showing faster/ slower sections on your route. You can also join a wide range of challenges including a ‘run 50 miles’ monthly challenge and guess what, your walks don’t count and ruin your running stats! You can also connect with your friends on Garmin Connect. Strava: you haven’t listened to your runners, so bye bye. 

Agree, I get the same data from my tracker.


But it doesn’t seem they want us in their community…

I agree that Garmin Connect is a good alternative to Strava. Strava haven't listened - walking is apparently still running as far as they're concerned. There's no way I'm renewing my subscription now.

I am the same.  I’ve started to pay more attention to Garmin than Strava.  The irony for me is that I didn’t have a premium subscription before, but I am went for an annual one in December, they changed it so that you cannot track running!  

I tried raising a feedback ticket, I was told I could go through my activities one by one in order to get a monthly total!  What the **bleep**, why can’t the acitivity app I paid for do that for me!?

Absolutely never again am I going to pay for Strava again.  

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