08-10-2022 02:46 PM - last edited on 08-10-2022 03:18 PM by Soren
Dear Strava Community,
I would like to analyse my Training in defined last periods, overall but also per category.
I am interested in analyses like:
- Cycling, last three months, last 12 months, current year, total time, average HR, max HR, etc
- the same for Hiking alone, or Running alone
- the same for all together
In my previous App I could summarise really flexible like in relational database.
Additionally I could download raw data into a Excel spreadsheet where each data log was available as a line (eg. all logged data like HR etc each 3 seconds...)
In Strava I cannot really find more then "My Activities", which is only a list of my trainings.
Data analysis or visualisation per type over periods, etc is not available.
Would be happy for any advice.
Looking forward to hear from you Strava power users!
Best regards
09-02-2023 07:03 PM
The ability to download data to Excel would increase the value of Strava. I would like to download speed, slope and heart rate. Speed and slope would make an intensity measurement and then compare HR and intensity over time. I know of no tools in Strava to easily see your cardio progress. And the watts calculation doesn’t seem to be reliable.
09-02-2023 10:41 PM
In https://www.strava.com/apps you will find a bunch of apps that can do that.
02-19-2024 07:36 PM
Can you point to one in particiular that can do what I reqauested?
05-09-2024 06:38 AM
Can you point to one in particular that can do what I requested? The ability to download data to Excel would increase the value of Strava. I would like to download speed, slope and heart rate. Speed and slope would make an intensity measurement and then compare HR and intensity over time.
05-09-2024 01:41 PM
An example would be https://www.marcellobrivio.com/projects/strava-toolbox/
08-11-2022 04:42 AM
Hi Eric,
do you think I can get my training data directly from Strava into TrainingPeaks or can I only load new trainings into training peaks?
BR Joachim
08-11-2022 03:29 AM
Hi Eric,
thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Basically I would be interested in report features in the Strava app, but:
1. unfortunately the app has limited to no abilities in reporting
2. my data in the App is always a kind of halfway not mine; I do not have full control over my data do to what I want, I'm always kinda dependent on the payment abo and the mercy of the product developers, they could restrict me at anytime;
I want to have my data to do what I want, analyse myself in Excel or any other reporting tool or in any other app.
I guess it is by intention of Strava to force me to Strava hence I am not optimistic that there will be improvement to my demands.
I checked out TrainingPeaks as well, but it seems that the basic membership has limited options as well and good analysis requires another payment abo.
I cannot afford to pay so many apps just to get a small useful feature...
08-10-2022 03:09 PM
I'd like to see more report options for my own data also.
@Joachim are you mainly wanting strava to add new report features, or the ability to download your own data in CSV format?
Currently you can download an archive of all your activity:
But the activities will be in original format, most likely FIT or GPX. So you would then probably have to import those into another tool to work with them.
There are other tools such as TrainingPeaks, which have a lot more built-in reports/charts. Those can be used in conjunction with strava, with your activities being uploaded to both at the same time.
As a paid strava member you can also see your "Training Log" and "Power Curve" which have some nice visual data representations, but are limited compared to some of the analysis you're trying to do.
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