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Viewing Denied Follow Requests

Mt. Kenya

Is there a way to see follow requests .. in particular of athletes who have requested to follow you, but you have denied and blocked them.

…or do I have to contact the support team to get this. Thanks 


Moderator Moderator

Hey @FZX,

To view those you have blocked you can follow the steps below.
As far as those you have denied, we do not provide this information I do apologize.

1. Go to your profile page from our website
2. Click on the "Following" tab
3. Use the drop-down menu to select "Blocked Athletes" 

STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Please can you raise this as an issue with your team, because without being able to refer to who has been denied to follow,  it is impossible for individuals to gather proof of suspicious behaviour/ stalking.
I really didn’t expect that I would have to screen-shot a follow request, as I thought it would be recorded by Strava.

Hey @FZX
Thanks for the follow up and for the valuable feedback. I will share your post with our trust & safety team for review. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team