I am facing the same issue.
I’m having same issue. I’ve tried to change activity and re-save - the activity shows but not logging on my progress.
Glad its not just me then
Hi everyone,
Thanks for writing in and, and we’re sorry to read about the issues with the Progress summary. In order to better investigate, our team has asked for anyone currently experiencing this issue to submit a support ticket. If you have trouble with our online form, you can send an email to support@strava.zendesk.com. More information about the support process can be found here.
If there are any other updates, we’ll be sharing them here.
Thank you I have submitted a ticket now as it’s still
not working
Hola, tengo exactamente el mismo problema. He corrido 7kms, es bien visible en otros datos pero no en mi resumen semanal.
(English translation: Hi, I have exactly the same problem. I ran 7km, it is clearly visible in other data but not in my weekly summary.)
Hoy me ha pasado lo mismo. He pedaleado 56km, me aparece en el resumen de actividades y en el tablón público pero no en la gráfica de progreso semanal. He probado a desinstalar la app y a reiniciar el móvil. Sigue sin funcionar :(
I am facing the same issue, raising here if there is a way to help fix this? Thank you!
I received an email from support that they are aware of this issue and are working on fixing it.
Have the same issue since late yesterday. There is no staff working in customer care I don’t think as there seems to only AI responses.
I have had the same issue since installing the latest update. Frustrating as I’ve been training well over Xmas!
Same issue here. I made a ticket to support.
Have the same issue since late yesterday. There is no staff working in customer care I don’t think as there seems to only AI responses.
You’re right although enough people are complaining I’m sure they will get it fixed when they return from the holidays.
From Strava:
Regrettably, we are currently experiencing a bug that is causing activities to not display under This Week on the Progress Summary Chart.
Rest assured, our team is investigating this issue. Although I cannot provide a specific timeframe for when this will be resolved
If you look at your profile, it will show your “this week” progress. It just doesn’t show it on the Progress tab
Same issue here, since yesterday.
Same issue here but with Rides, in progress i csn see distance if i scope for 7D or 1M but in scopes 3M and beyond, distances are not added
Seems to be independent of activity type. I see a “Ride” activity that I performed yesterday (30DEC2024) on the 7D and 1M Progress views but it shows zero miles for this week on the 6M, YTD, and 1Y views.
Same issue today as well as yesterday, activities not showing in ‘progress’.
Have exactly the same issue.
Made a point of running my last 10.2k at our end of year run so I’d have my total 800k for the year but still stuck at 789.8k which is super annoying!
It looks like it's working now, yay!
Working now for me too!
Working for me too ! Well done Strava devs !
Hi everyone,
Appreciate everyone who posted about this. I've received word that this should now be fixed. Please take a look and let us know if the issue is still persisting. Thanks!