Please note that all Strava account and subscription-related inquiries are handled by our Strava Support Team. We ask that you please do not create posts requesting help with these in the Community Hub.
The Community Hub is for general questions that do not require Strava account access. The Community Hub team cannot help with any account or subscription related inquiries, nor can they provide updates on the status of Strava Support tickets. Our Strava Support Team will be happy to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How do I submit a support ticket to Strava?
A: Visit this link to learn how to submit a support ticket.
Q: How long does it take to get a response from Strava Support?
A: Response times can vary and we ask for your patience. The Strava Support Team works hard to respond as quickly as possible, but sometimes wait times may be longer than others.
Q: I submitted a ticket and I received a notification it was closed with no response?
A: In this situation, multiple Support tickets were likely created. When that happens, Strava Support will merge your tickets, and this will create notifications that your duplicate ticket(s) have been closed. However one ticket will be kept open and you will receive a response when that ticket is assigned to a Support Analyst.
To check your Support tickets and confirm you have an open ticket, please sign into your Strava account on the Web at, then go to this link to see your tickets.