My understanding for segments is that you have to ride the segment yourself and use only your GPS track to create the segment. Due to multiple variations in GPS tracking devices, it would be nice to be able to edit the track to reflect the majority of users route, or to accurately match an existing trail. I'm a trail builder as well as an administrator for adding trails in certain regions and would like to be able to create the segment as close to the trail as possible and not be dependent on my single GPS tracking as it is often off. To this effect I would also like to be able to create segments on trails similar to creating a Route without actually using a recorded GPS track. I would assume with the STrava database of Topography and mapping that it should be able to give an accurate reflection of elevation changes, etc.
Secondly, it would be nice to be able to show a listing of all segments in a given area in tabular format and exportable into csv/excel/ etc..