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You Asked, We Listened – Strava’s New Developer Program

Strava is home to a global community of 100 million active people. Over half of our users are connected to apps, products and experiences that are powered by our API. We understand that developers like you are helping to create an even more expansive experience for our users.

Although the Strava API has enabled countless apps to grow over time – a desire for clearer process and developer support remain high in our developer community. That’s why we’re so excited to share our new Developer Program.

How Do I Apply For the New Developer Program?

We're asking that all applications using our external API submit their apps for review. All existing app owners should submit this form by March 4th, 2024. This will help us survey the tens of thousands (over 85k!) apps leveraging Strava data, and be sure that each app is: 

  • given the appropriate level of support
  • up to date on our API agreement
  • compliant with our branding guidelines
  • respecting athlete privacy
  • operating within the necessary rate limits

Single Player Mode
If you're a developer who intends to use your app solely for yourself, and just your data, you'll be operating in Single Player Mode. For those newly created apps who intend to expand to our athlete community, moving forward you will be required to fill out our form for review. Until your app has been reviewed, you won't be able to authenticate any additional athletes to your app. 

Athlete Capacity
Applications will have a ceiling they may come up against for connected users. Your application's athlete capacity will be visible in your API Settings Dashboard, and will also be returned with every API request as part of the HTTP headers. 
This is to ensure that as applications scale, we are able to work with developers as they grow, and ensure that they are getting the support that they need. Growth will often come with the need for more support and adjusted rate limits. 

Rate Limits
Our default rate limit will now be 200 requests every 15 minutes, with up to 2,000 requests per day, increased from 100 requests every 15 minutes, and 1,000 requests per day. 

Read rate limits: applications will now have a separate rate limit associated with the endpoints we consider “Read” access.

What we consider to be the read rate limit will encompass all endpoints with the exception of:

  • POST activities (activities#create)
  • POST uploads (uploads#create)
  • activities#upload_media

Your read rate limit and your overall rate limit will be different and can be viewed in your API settings dashboard, and will also be returned with every API request as part of the HTTP headers. These values will be set after a review of your current usage, with the intent to not cause any interruptions to your application’s behavior. 

Welcome to the Developer Space

This program launch also includes our new Developer Space. (You’re in it right now! 👋) Here you’ll find helpful resources in our Developer Forums and Knowledge Base. Keep an eye on this space for developer spotlight posts, professional opportunities and more.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tyler 👋 thanks for the note.

As mentioned in the thread that you've linked, if you have any questions about the program, or your application, you can drop a note to and the team will take a look. Thanks! 

Mt. Kenya

Dear @Elliott,

I've submitted my app in Developer Program Form and waiting for your review.

My account was created 2 years ago, it's now has only rate limits 100 requests every 15 minutes, 1000 requests per day, could you please kindly help me to increase the limits to the default now: 200 requests every 15 minutes, with up to 2,000 requests per day?

I sent my Client ID with the email to Developer Strava on last week.

Thank you so much,
Hoang - MobiRace Team



@AlexNguyen The defaults haven't really changed. The extra requests you will get are only for uploading or creating activities, so the practical benefits are virtually zero.

Mt. Kenya

Hi @Jan_Mantau, I mean my account was created 2 years ago, at that time the default rate limits only (100,1000) but now if we create other new account, the rate limits will be (200,2000). So that I really appreciate if Strava can increase my old account's rate limits to (200,2000).

Thank you,  


@AlexNguyen The additional 100 and 1000 requests you will be granted aren't for GET or PUT so don't get your hopes up!



You mention

"Your application's athlete capacity [...] will also be returned with every API request as part of the HTTP headers"

We can't seem to find it in any returned headers - we see rate limit (new and old), but no athlete values, eg: for a development account with low limits:




@Elliott what happens if my app is not fully compliant? Do I have time to fix it?

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

@Lovro yes - we will provide feedback for you to address if your app is not compliant. 


@ElliottI have applied for the new developer program, but not yet heard anything.
My app is on old 1000 req/day.

Is there anyway to get that up to the new 2000/day without creating a whole new app?
I'm constantly hitting the rate limits which is a bad experience for my users.

Mt. Kenya

Hey @Elliott! thanks for this, I'm not quite sure whether this new program replaces the existing program. I don't have any changes planned for our app in the short term so wasn't going to apply for the new program just yet.

Or does the new program replace the existing program?

Will our integration continue to run as is if we don't apply for the new program just yet?

Just need to know whether I need to prioritize this now or later down the track.



Mt. Kenya

Hi @Elliott 

I have submitted an application for a review of my app and not heard anything back in a few months. I have also sent in an email. It looks like I have a limit of 1 athlete until I have my app quota increased and I'm attempting to onboard new users now. Is there anyone you can put me in contact with to help with increasing the quota?



Mt. Kenya

How does Single Player Mode work in detail? Is there any guide on the requirements for that?

Do I need to create and link a support page for a personal app for which I'll be the only user?

Mt. Kenya

Hey @Elliott ,

I have an application with different environments for multiple customers. These customers should only have access to their own athletes, so currently I have an account per customer with their own API details so each environment of my app can only access the Strava data of their own athletes. Will I be able to create multiple API keys under the same account with this change (with 1 or multiple form submissions?), or do I need to keep the multiple accounts with their 1 associated app and apply for each environment of the app separately?

Mt. Kenya


I applied a week ago and then emailed (ticket #6337) with no response.  Whats your normal turn around time please?  Keen to ensure our project can move from a single test user to around 2000 participants asap.

Ta, Matt

Mt. Kenya

Hi  @Elliott 

I am having trouble accessing the form. Is the form currently down or is there an alternative way of register please? 

Many thanks


Mt. Kenya

Hi @Elliott 

I’m currently working on an internal company app to monitor sports activity and as a company’s social media, but i got only 1 athlete that allowed to connect to my app. I know i should apply my app in the submission form to increase number of allowed athletes to connect, but it’s past March 4th 2024 can i still apply my app? Or there is another way to increase allowed athletes to connect at my app?

Many Thanks



Of course you can, else no new developer would be able to create a new app.

Mt. Kenya

Is there a way to increase the Athlete capacity? We have hit the 999 limit and need this increased but have not found the right form of contact to be able to connect more athletes.

Mt. Kenya

I have the same problem about how to increase Number of athletes allowed to connect ? I have no idea what I can do?


Mt. Kenya

Thanks all & strava developer team. 😁

My app works fine.

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Version history
Last update:
‎11-29-2023 09:34 AM
Updated by: