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Status: Open To Voting

When looking at your last 3 month graph in your profile and you've had an injury, it just looks like you haven’t done anything. Add a little Cross icon to the timeline when injured. You can even take it as far as suggesting remedies and care to speed up the recovery process.

Mt. Kenya

I think it’s a great idea. I’d love an ice bath feature as well. Ice bath / cold therapy. Would be fantastic. 

Mt. Kenya

I strongly recommend that Strava introduces 'Physical Therapy' as a distinct workout category. This addition would be immensely beneficial for a wide range of users, including athletes undergoing rehabilitation, individuals recovering from injuries, and older adults seeking to maintain their physical health. Given the diverse range of activities already featured on Strava, such as canoeing, it seems both surprising and a significant oversight that physical therapy, an essential component of many people's fitness regimes, is not yet recognized. Incorporating this category would not only enhance the app's inclusivity but also provide valuable tracking and motivational support for those dedicated to their recovery and overall well-being.

Mt. Kenya

It would be great to be able to lodge a "life event" into Strava (eg. Knee surgery, having a baby, turning 50, new coach...) and then have PB's/achievements relating to them too. For example, "2nd best 5km since your life event of ankle injury". Surrreellly wouldn't be hard to code in?! 

Mt. Kenya

Health notes for tracking the training interruptions and or limitations. Different incidents or even a simple flu can effect training big time. When looking at the stats on the timeline it would be perfect to have a note to state that i was sick at this time or i hurt my ankle on this day etc. This would clearly explain the irreqularities and would be a nice way to track your own condition.

My suggestion for the feature: Apps front page, under the "+" button there would be a "health note" by selecting that you would get a free field to write on. And maybe an option to select to publish or to keep to yourself. This would create an event just like any other activity and would show on your monthly calendar and tracking. This is a big thing and i dont understand why we now need to keep excel sheet etc for these as it would be super simple to add like this. 

If you would name it as "note" (only) it would be even more versatile.



Mt. Kenya

I believe all of us using Strava as a training diary and inspiration get injured from time to time. And if there is one time we need kudos, it sure is while in the ever so boring rehab. Instead, now I find myself and friends to withdraw from Strava at these difficult periods, or logging their activities as something it’s not. Even when using Strava-connected rehab apps it logs as a rehab activity. 
I truly believe that an upgrade with a Rehab activity option would motivate people, including myself, to do and feel better while in rehab!  

Mt. Kenya

Spell correct: “Even when using Strava-connected rehab apps it logs as a rehab activity” should read:

Even when using a Strava-connected rehab app it does not log as a rehab activity