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This would be great: on my personal Strava activity heatmap, I zoom in, and I check what date(s) I've walked on a particular road, done an activity there.
Imagine being able to see a map of all of your past activities. You would be able to see all of the places you’ve been and maybe even give you ideas for future exploring. You could zoom in and out and click on routes you’ve done and the activity would pop up at the bottom with all of the activity details. It could even have filters so you could specify the following: out of country, in country, what sport type it was, the year you did it, group rides, races, etc.
I have years of data now in Strava, and sometimes it's hard to locate an activity from years ago. It would be really helpful and cool to be able to somehow click on a personal heatmap point and retrieve all activities that match it.