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Status: Existing

It would be AMAZING to use the beautiful route suggestions feature for a to b routes. 

Ideally, I could provide start location (or even better, a few waypoints) and end location (or even better, a few waypoints) and the route between these start and end location (or waypoints) gets generated based on: heatmaps, unpaved/paved preference, altitude preferences, length preference). 
This would help me to explore new locations fast with public transportation back to start, etc. Currently I often have to use other apps for this, but I prefer to stay in Strava. 

Thank you for considering! 


Hello! While we do not currently have this option for suggested routes on the mobile app, there is a way to do build routes in this manner on the Strava website. At this time on the mobile app, suggested routes will almost always result in the same start and end point. You can always create a custom route on mobile, however, you do not have the same routing preferences that you will find on the Strava website.

To do this, you'll want to log on to the Strava website and navigate to the web routebuilder. Select the plus icon in the upper righthand corner and select Create route.

On the left hand side you will see Routing preferences where you can select:

1. Heatmap preference- follow most popular or follow most direct
2. Elevation preference- Any elevation, Maximize elevation, and Minimize elevation
3. Surface type preference- Any surface type, Prefer paved surfaces, and Prefer dirt surfaces

You can then add two waypoints to the map to create a route from point A to point B using the preferences that you have set. You can also add additional waypoints and these preferences will be used for each leg of the route that is created. 

Unfortunately, there isn't a length preference. So you might need to play around with the waypoints a little to hit your target distance. If you like the overall design of the route but would like to include a small addition, you can click the route line and choose the insert waypoint option. I like to add a few waypoints on either side of the addition to act as anchors to the overall structure of the route. I'll then drag and drop the route line in between these new waypoints until I'm seeing my desired distance. You can always add more waypoints or drag and drop waypoints to edit the route further if you would like a more custom result.

Status changed to: Existing
Moderator Moderator

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Thank you so much for your extensive answer. 

Would it be an option to turn this topic into the request to: 

1) Add the length preference for a to b routes, just like for circular routes

2) Bring the functionality you are describing to mobile
