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Status: Open To Voting

If you finish the activity accidentally during the route (garmin Edge buttons sucks), you should be able to combine with the next activity.


This would be a very useful feature to have. I would like to be able to combine uploaded activities into one and also merge data from activities recorded simultaneously. Example would be when I use some fitness machines, I record the stats from the machine in an app that exports to strava, but then have to record heart rate separately on my watch due to the apps that sync with the machines not being able to connect to the heart rate monitoring on my watch. I'd like to combine the heart rate data recorded on my watch with the distance data etc from the apps syncing with the machines. 

Mt. Kenya

This would be a really great feature. I required this many times before and I am sick and tired to use 3rd party tools of even merge gpx XML by hand.
We loose all Kudos and comments when doing it outside of Strava. So PLEASE, consider this feature and I agree with another post, that it feels odd to even put such function for vote,

Another cool feature, very similar to this one is, that many time we see duplicated posts, e.g. recorded by a Garmin device and a mobile phone, maybe partly disjoint.
So the feature should really not only concatenate files, but also merge an extrapolate overlapping tracks.

Mt. Kenya

That would be extremely useful.
It would be also helpful to be able crop out sections of a ride (for example, a cafe pause where the watch continued recording) - although with the splitting activities and re-merging them that could be done in two steps.


Unfortunately this happens from time to time. I've used the third party solution in the past and it is ok. It seems a little funny that Strava just points to that instead of implementing the solution themselves within the app or online. Cropping activities used to just be in a browser and that was fine because on the occasion when you forgot to stop your watch you could crop it later. I mention this because I think it would be fine if the feature to merge was only available in browser at first just so that we had something we could use. 

@Jane is there any word on if this feature is in the pipeline? Thanks!

Mt. Kenya

Please add this, it is really annoying when the watch decides to stop an activity.

Mt. Kenya

Hello ! If you are on android you can try my android app to merge Strava Activities :

My application is still under development, if you ever have any feedback or if you encounter any bugs. Do not hesitate to contact me.

If I have the time and motivation I will develop the iOS version. The app is free and I work on it in my free time.

Pico de Orizaba

Hello @Bvic ,

congrats to this App!! I am an iOS user but I hope you get a lot of users of your App and feedback. I am sure it will be a great help to many STRAVA users.

Although I have no programming skills and don't know how much effort it is and as much as I'd love to have an app, I wonder if a browser-based solution wouldn't make more sense? This would allow you to reach all STRAVA users who are looking for such a solution.

Anyway, thank you for the work you put into programming such a solution in your spare time!



Hi @Bvic,

Great that you've made this app for Android. Like @cy-linder I'm also using Iphone.
Too bad I can't test your SportsTrackMerger-app...

How are tests going, are you ready to go in Beta-testing?


Please make an option to merge rides directly in strava

Mt. Kenya

Ability to stitch multi-day activities together.

I've recently noticed users sharing huge efforts as a singular activity. For example, a 6 day hike or cycling the entire length of South America. From my understanding, for an athlete to do this they'd have to stop and start the activity on a device every single day. Not only do you have to be consistent, you'd also have to avoid the discard/finish button like **bleep**. My suggestion is adding the ability to stitch singular activities into a multi-day effort post that'd represent the entiritity of 'Mount Everest Base Camp'. Enabling such a feature would caterer to a wider realm of endurance athletes and promote Strava through proud finishers sharing their efforts through alternative social medias. 

Mount Logan

I'd love for this not even for multi-day activities but just for fixing issues where your activity is split across multiple recordings (e.g. the battery on my watch died so I finished recording the activity with my phone). Similar to how Strava added the trim/crop feature.

In the meantime, my guess is that a lot of people are using something like FitFileTools ( to merge together multiple files rather than pausing their activity over multiple days. It's much safer (from a data loss perspective) to save files as you go and merge them than to try to keep the device recording over multiple days.

Mt. Kenya

I think it would be a great idea to be able to collate activities from a multi day trip such as a bike packing/ backpacking trip, a multi day stage race or any event where the starting point for the following day is the same as the end point of the previous day. 

These gpx files could be combined into one single long mapping activity. This could be combined with the summary and titles of each day as well as the analysis in brief. It would allow the user to have a compiled memory of the activity without it being stretched out and mixed in with other peoples activities in your feed.

Different days on the map could be different colours to match the colour of the title in the feed.


I know some of the commenters are looking for a built in solution, but it's actually surprisingly difficult to merge GPS files!  Concatenating isn't too difficult, but merging overlapping activities (like from two devices with different streams that are recording simultaneously) is actually quite nuanced. Various GPS brands have different issues with formatting files incorrectly.  I know this because for the last 9 years I've been working with users to improve the apps at GOTOES.  GOTOES is web based, free, integrates with Strava, and can merge, repair and trim GPX, TCX, FIT, and.... Give it a try. This tool is my hobby, but I work on it every day.  You can use the contact form on that site if you have ideas on how to improve the tool further.


You can also use „Track Merger“, which is an iOS app. You can find it on the app store. It allows you to combine multiple tracks. You can even mix different types, such as GPX, FIT and KML. Afterwards you can upload the merged track directly from within the app.

Mt. Kenya

We all hate it when hitting stop by accident mid-run or mid-activity. The ability to combine activities on strava when finished so that the stats are all in one place and are summarised correctly would be amazing