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Status: Existing

I find that there are people that seem to be able to run about twice as fast (or faster) as Olympic athletes on routes. Then it turns out that all their other activities are for cycling but they have tracked as a run. This means that impossible records are set and cannot be beaten. Any chance Strava could review records for running (and other activities) to see the which are faster than world class and review if they should be records. Seems like something that could be automated and would be motivating for us mere humans

Status changed to: Existing
Moderator Moderator

Thanks so much for your post.  We do have an auto-flagging system in place which catches many (but not all) invalid segment efforts and prevents them from being displayed on leaderboards.  We continuously iterate on this system and appreciate your feedback. At Camp Strava this year, we announced we'll be implementing AI-enabled leaderboard integrity. More details here

We recommend you use the activity flag tool to notify us when you do notice invalid segment efforts, thanks for doing that.

Also, if you see the same Athlete repeatedly upload invalid data, you can report that Athlete to Strava.

Thanks again for your post.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Since everybody is (a.o.) recording their commuting kilometers the koms are polluted. Koms should be exclusive and only for sport results. This means that no single speed pedelec, motorised vehicle or others (such as by accident record a part of a car ride) should be included in the kom stats. This can easily be checked by super constant high speed rides or make heart rate visibility obligatory to be included.


I find it quite frustrating (and not rewarding for delivering maximum efforts) that because of this pollution most koms are out of reach for all sportman and women. 

please fix this asap 🙏


The current automatic detection for wrong activity types isn't much developed, but Strava had announced that in the future AI will be used for that. Meanwhile you can flag such activities in the browser version of Strava.