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Status: Gathering Kudos

I feel as though there should be a category and koms based on type of bike chosen in profile. EBike, Mtn Bike, Gravel, Road. 

I am getting an ebike and the comments have already started about if my ride posts will be valid since it may take a KOM of another rider. Until fixed I will keep these rides private so I do not get any negative comments but adding the category would remove the issue. 


E-Bikes have their own segments (leaderboards, KOMs, etc...).  All you have to do is post the ride as an e-bike ride (same as you would select "ride" or "run", etc...).  Once you do that, it will not be showing up in the regular "ride" leaderboards so there won't be any issue with taking other people's KOM's by mistake.  

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos

Thanks for the suggestion, @KeepingQuiet -- FYI @anchskier  is correct, you can record your Ebike rides under the "E-Bike Ride" Sport Type and they will not share the same segment leaderboards as "Ride". 


I wish each bike could automatically come up as a certain type of ride, so we don't have to do this after the ride. Eg. I'd like my MTB to by default come up as a Mountain Bike Ride, and my CX to be a gravel ride. And, if I'd use my CX on tarmac/asphalt (which I often do - I'd change it then). This could be done in the equipment section on our profile. We just check the box for which type of ride we'd like as default for every particular bike we have. (I'm guessing this could also be done for shoes - for the runners and hikers)


@StiSyv, there is another feature request that mentions alignment of gear and activity - Make sure you kudo that feature suggestion, as it relates to what you're saying.


Problem with this is, each segment needs to be remade by a ebike rider AND they don't show up on the Strava map.  Recently I made about 7 or so segments, there's no option to view ebike segments on the map as you would see for running or cycling.  I assume where I live none were made since I bike the same segments on a regular bike as my ebike (marked as ebike ride) and no segments show up in the after trip data.

Mt. Kenya

A problem in the UK with ebikes, is the number of de-restricted bikes which record Strava activities/segments. It is a legal requirement to restrict them to max 15.5 mph motor assist but many hack them up to 20/25 mph. This makes a mockery of Strava K/QoMs and using segment timings as an indication of progress. 

Mt. Kenya

E-bike rides don’t show in standard segments. Since Strava knows you are on an e-bike, why not just have an e-bike category like you have for age. It’s a pain to have to re-create segments.

Mt. Kenya

Please create a segment section (Leaderboard) for Gravel-Bikes. They are much faster than a Mountainbike. It is not fair for the Mountainbike drivers. 


I don't agree that we need separate leaderboards for each different bike type.  Part of the challenge of segments is determining which bike is the best choice for the specific segment under the specific conditions.  Some segments are faster on a snow bike in the winter.  Some are faster on a mountain bike in the summer on dry trails.  Others may be faster on a gravel bike.  I know that if I want to compete for a top time on a segment, I will need to choose the best bike for that specific segment.  

The other main issue I see with this is that most people don't bother to indicate which bike they are using.  Even those that do, often forget from time to time.  You would have a huge amount of activities being loaded with no or incorrect information regarding what type of bike was used.  You also have over a decade of old activities that did not have the gravel bike option available, so all of that would have mixed information that could never be reconciled.

Mt. Kenya

Thats racing. Every bike has its own class. You can not do a Mountain-Bike race with a Gravel-Bike.


@Marc - This isn't a certified mtb race.  This is a Strava segment.  The beauty of strava segments is they don't have to follow strict rules about specific racing formats.  It is very simple, who can go the fastest along a certain path between point A and point B.  That's it.  It's up to the rider to determine the best way to do that, whether it is picking a specific type of bike or picking a specific time of day to avoid traffic, or other things like that.  You say you can't use a gravel bike in a mtb race.  Okay.  But you can use a mtn in a gravel race, or a gravel bike in a road race, or any number of other combinations like that.  Segments aren't bike-type specific.  

Again, though, even if you did ultimately want to split segments out to each specific bike type, the data would be so bad the leaderboards would be useless.  Only a small percentage of people select which bike and/or bike type they are using.  The different bike types available to select are pretty new to Strava as a whole, so you have a huge amount of historical data that would not include that association.  You would have to start all segments over from scratch and exclude all previous rides and then still have to figure out how to ensure everyone enters the correct bike type every time they ride.  That's a lot to ask for.

Mt. Kenya

The solution would be for the App to require an update from its users, and only allow the profile to be completed after entering the type of the bicycle used.

Mt. Kenya

Change the segment leaderboards so that users are compared to those in the same bike category as themselves (I.e MTB Vs. MTB), rather comparing all bikes in one (MTB Vs. Road Vs. Gravel).

Mt. Kenya

I'd simply like the option of filtering by riding type. 

Personally I want to compare my progress against other mountain bike rides (especially elevation numbers) so a quick filter to exclude eMTB, Road Bikes etc would be great!

Mt. Kenya

Nowadays Strava just consider as different activities non e-bikes and e-bikes, but this seems not to be so fair when we talk about rankings and KOM's.

 Many players are using GRAVEL bikes to take higher ranking positions and everyone know that a GRAVEL bike isn't the same thing and equipment as a normal MTB so GRAVEL have some advantage against a normal MTB as the same way a e-bike.. so why not have a separated ranking and activities category for GRAVE and SPEED bikes?

My IDEA is that GRAVEL and SPEED bike get a separated ranking, segments from MTB just like happens with e-bike!