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Status: Gathering Kudos

So when you ride your gravel bike, you can see how much of your ride was actual gravel. This could be important to promote your ride among gravel riders... so your friends (and yourself) can see if this ride has a substantial percentage of gravel. This might not be usefull in the US where there is a lot of gravel, but it is a great help in Belgium where you don't find enough gravel for half your ride sometimes.

You can do the same with climbing kilometers when using the gradient map... so you can see how much of your ride was actually uphill.

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos
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STRAVA | Community Hub Team


This would be super useful. An api endpoint for this would be great as well. 

Mt. Kenya

On each ride, show a breakdown by surface type (IE: 90% paved, 5% dirt, 5% unknown); the same would then be aggregated and displayed on our profile for yearly statistics.

This is important because we all like to compare our efforts to our own and against the community. Just as a 100km ride with 0m elevation gain is easier than a 100km ride with 1,000m elevation gain, so is a 100km ride with 90% dirt harder than a 100km ride with 0% dirt.
