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Status: Gathering Kudos

It would be great to trigger a specific spotify song or playlist at the start of a live segment. It might be a bit clunky to do in the strava UI, but you could implement it so that if you had a private playlist with a name matching the segment name it would be triggered, then strava would only need an option to toggle the on or off feature.

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos

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Mt. Kenya

For some reason I thought this was already a feature 🤔

Perhaps I misread previous communication about the new Spotify integration. This should defenitely be added! It would motivate me much more to break the record on a segment!

Even funnier would be a "recommended song" for a segment that everyone can listen too by default (set by the creator of the segment). That way segments in different environments can have a totally different feel. Think mystical music for a segment through an old forest or music from a horror movie in especially dark urban tunnels! 😁
There should still be the option to override this with personal song though.