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Mt. Kenya

A problem with cycling and strava is your warm-up kilometers. When cycling, you usually have some warm-up kilometers with slow pace, e.g. before kilometers before you get out of the city. Obviously you want these kilometers to count in your overall cycling distance but you don't want them to count in your average pace for when the ride "really" begins. I suggest making a kind of "warm-up kilometers" feature where you indicate e.g. that the first 3 km of the ride were just warm-up and so that the strava app estimates average pace etc., on your race numbers from after this point. 

On the graph of your total ride summary, the warm up kilometers could be indicated by a different color. This would be easy and intuitive to understand 


That would be a weird manipulation of the real average speed. Why don't you use laps or record three rides instead of one?

Mt. Kenya

@Jan_Mantau, manipulation of all things.. wauw. Who would you wanna manipulate? Haha. 

You could easily make two versions. One with the total ride km and average (which could be default) and then a personal one with your chosen start and end. Could be for your own viewing. To make it easier to compare your efforts. My start km's out of the city varies with red lights, traffic, how long I have out of the city etc. I makes no sense to me that you cannot subtract these variables from when you put in your "real effort" without doing three separate rides. I don't see how making three rides out of one makes sense or is in the spirit of strava. To me thats a strange shortcut solution to the exact problem I'm describing. 


If it's for your own viewing then that's what laps are for, you could make one fpr warmup, one for the real portion and one fpr the rest. In case you record with the Strava app that doesn't have a lap button there are a number of apps and devices out there with this feature.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Your idea has been shared with the product team. Right now, we aren't exploring the possibility of implementing this feature, and your suggestion will be archived. Please understand that we  receive a very high volume of feature requests, and cannot realistically implement all of them in the foreseeable future.

A workaround you could consider would be to record your warm-up activity as a separate activity altogether. Then start a new recording when you being the portion of your ride you want count towards your average pace.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued engagement in the Community Hub.


Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team