Here is a rundown of all the privacy controls that are available to you as a member of this community.
As with all online communities be careful about how much data you share about yourself. Further reading on this subject is available in our Community Guidelines.
Your Profile
- Privacy Settings
The default setting for who can view the following information associated with your profile is set to No-One:
- Your Personal Information (editable)
- First and last name - populated from your Strava account profile
- Signature - default blank, when populated will be associated with any posts you make
- Title - default blank
- Location - populated from your Strava account profile
- Personal site info (web, Facebook, Twitter, blog) - default blank
- Biography - default blank, when populated appears in the About box on Your Profile Page
- Your Email Address - not editable, populated from your Strava account profile and visible only to you on your Profile page
- Your Community Online status - determined by whether you are signed in or not, default to no-one for Show online status under your Privacy Settings here
- Selecting a Username
- Your username will be associated with all your activity in the Community whenever you post, reply or kudo.
- You should choose a username that you feel comfortable with others knowing.
- If at any time you think your username reveals too much personally identifiable information then you can change it immediately by visiting Personal - My settings
- Changes to usernames are reflected on all of your previous community activities as well as future ones.
- Sharing Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Please read the section in our Community Guidelines which highlights the type of PII information we ask that you don't share in order to protect identifiable information. We have implemented preventative moderation processes which will remove this PII information should you inadvertently post it prior to publishing. These include email addresses, phone numbers and credit card details.
- Image Sharing
Before sharing an image in a post consider what information can be determined about you from that image. If you are concerned it is sharing information that could identify you or your location then don't share it or make changes to conceal that information before sharing.
Deleting your Strava Community Hub Account
If you want to delete your Strava Community Hub account, please note that you cannot personally delete your Community Hub account from the settings. You can turn off all Community Hub notifications and log out of your Community Hub account. By doing so you will no longer receive any notifications or emails but can still maintain your account, just in case you ever want to use it in the future.
To adjust your notifications and subscriptions, sign into the Community Hub, then select your Avatar on the top right of the page and select "My settings". From there, select the "Subscriptions and Notifications" tab, then go to "Notification Settings".
If you prefer to have your Community Hub account deleted, please contact the Community team at