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Status: Open To Voting

Does anyone else find it annoying to see one random activity from a year ago in your feed?

This should be optional. Some people might get motivated by seeing what they did on this day last year, but I find it distracting when reviewing my activity log. Some of the are short commutes, which I definitely don’t need to reminisce about. If people want this, they could turn it on, but since it has been added to my activity feed it’s diminished my experience of the activity feed. 

Mt. Kenya

This is exactly the sort of feature that should be optional. I go back through my Strava feed to look at maps and download routes for future rides. When I do this, I’m looking for a specific ride, or trying to get an overview of my recent activity.

Sprinkling in random rides from years ago is confusing and distracting. I want this stuff in chronological order. Workouts from prior years are just clutter for me and make my activity feed harder to use. 

My bank doesn’t do this when I look at a list of transactions. “Look at this memorable debit from two years ago!”

Can we just get a clean feed please?

Mt. Kenya

Totally agree these flashbacks on my feed are disrupting my experience.  Does anyone know how to turn it off?


@Lonepalm - the only way to get it removed is to convince Strava management to remove it.  They did one of their all-too-frequent decisions to add something unilaterally to every account without telling anyone or providing any way to disable it.  Another case of them thinking they know more about what we want than we do.....smh. There is no way currently to turn off this unwanted feature.

Mt. Kenya

This repeatedly confuses me when I’m scrolling through my activities. I regularly ride the same routes and it’s confusing when old rides of the same route are mixed in with the latest ones. I think, “I don’t remember going that slow last time” and then realize the ride was from a year ago during a recovery.

Mt. Kenya

Well, it has been ages since this was logged and I do not see any reaction from the Strava team... Meanwhile, I even noticed activities from two years ago in my feed!

Maybe we (at least, if you are subscribed) should all cancel our subscription to make a statement, because I really would like to make a statement and, as a paying member, get the feeling that the Strava team is listening and I am taken seriously.

Mt. Kenya

How do we vote for this feature go away? I don't remember voting for it to appear. if you want to keep it then it should be an option to turn on or off. Really sick of strava's high handed my way or the highway attitudes. I guess I may as well be yelling at the TV as making this post, but I live in hope.


@markgarrett to add your vote, just click on the kudos icon in the idea's post above. Thanks for the feedback!

Mt. Kenya

I agree, distracting, confusing, unnecessary; NEED to be able to turn on or off or make optional.  Popping up is irritating me repeatedly and wasted time trying to disable it which as of now is impossible!

Mt. Kenya

Adding my vote to an option to disable the 'On this day' activities in the feed.

As others have said, if I want to check what I did X years ago, I can do so myself.

Firstly, it's my activities feed, I should be able to decide what it shows.

Secondly, my usecase for really wanting to disable this feature is, it will show activities from a time I was doing really poorly and I don't want a reminder of that randomly popping up... If I want to deal with that time of my life I'll do it when I'm ready for it.

Mt. Kenya

I find this so annoying. Strava’s reporting capabilities suck yet I’m forced to see what I did a year ago. They charge you yet push this unforced error and are unresponsive to paying members’ requests.

Mt. Kenya

Agreed. I just google’d how to turn it off and came upon this feed. Yeah let’s just get rid of that. As an athlete, i really dont care to see the comparison of where I was a year ago randomly popping up on my feed, and its just confusing. 

Mt. Kenya

Just googled how to disable this and found this request.

I was in much better shape a year ago. Seeing where I was at then takes me out of the improvements I've been making recently and it doesn't add anything to the app for me, it's just an interruption in my feed that I have to scroll past.

Mt. Kenya

I am not a fan of this feature. It keeps reminding me of fun mountain bike rides I had before my injury years ago mixed in with my rehab walks that I can barely make it through now. It’s discouraging and depressing, and I’ve debated creating a whole new account to avoid being constantly reminded of these fun rides I can’t do (and may never be able to do again) while I try to recover years later. 

Mt. Kenya

PLEASE remove this “feature.”  It’s disruptive to my feed.  


Months later, I’m still caught off-guard when I see that old activity at the top of my list of activities. Months later, I still don’t care to see it.

Every platform that surfaces old memories provides users with a way to customize it (by excluding certain dates/people/events/etc.) or disabling it entirely. Why? Because it’s a minefield. Not every memory is a happy one, and just don’t get to unilaterally stir up the (potentially painful) past.

Allowing people to opt out is the bare minimum if you can’t implement something more granular.