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Status: Open To Voting

Does anyone else find it annoying to see one random activity from a year ago in your feed?

This should be optional. Some people might get motivated by seeing what they did on this day last year, but I find it distracting when reviewing my activity log. Some of the are short commutes, which I definitely don’t need to reminisce about. If people want this, they could turn it on, but since it has been added to my activity feed it’s diminished my experience of the activity feed. 


I agree.  I get confused at first when scrolling through my activities.  It should be an optional thing and maybe a separate link from the feed page, similar to the "memories" page on Facebook.  It is there for people to click and view if they want, but it isn't merging itself randomly into the current activity feed.

Status changed to: Open To Voting
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STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Estoy de acuerdo, a veces puede ser algo molesto ver una actividad antigua en medio de las nuevas

Mt. Kenya

Yes, this should surely be optional (and certainly for paying members). Already accidently deleted a workout, because I thought it was synced from my Galaxy Watch. Turn this off Strava or make it optional!

Mt. Kenya

Agree… really annoying, Strava, please make it optional, I can’t believe anyone find it in anyway useful.


Hi Strava,

This is still pretty irritating to see. Plus now I am getting emails every time someone agrees with me, but have not heard back from Strava.

What is the next step? Do we have enough votes to change this? How often does Strava review and update the app and how likely is it that this change will be part of an upcoming update?



Pico de Orizaba

So annoying feature. I would like to disable it if possible.

Pico de Orizaba

I love this feature. I even get some from 2 years ago.  For me it reminds me of rides, and sometimes still has old pic attached.  I do like Shkara's note indicating it can be optional for those that don't want it.  For  those of us that do like it, keep them coming, Strava.

@Forza - It is not optional.  There are suggestions that they should make it optional, but that would require Strava to change their system.  If they insist on keeping it, they need to make it optional.  Maybe something like Facebook (just an example) where you can click on a "memories" tab or link to see what you did that day in past years.  It shouldn't be quietly slipped into your regular feed as it if it was a current activity.

Mt. Kenya

Such an annoying and pointless feature that can't be turned off. Please remove it 

Mt. Kenya

I want to add my vote to this ticket. Enable us to deactivate 'On this day' activities. It takes up so much room in the app - why do you assume that we want to see an activity we did a couple years ago? I want to see only current activities, because that's where my mind is at right now. If I want to see historic activities, I can use the search function. Appreciate others may be different so make it optional.

Mt. Kenya

Yes. Please make this optional, or very obvious it is historic. 

Pico de Orizaba

It states clearly and says:  Your activity from a year ago.
Mt. Kenya

Yes please make this optional. Fitness is not always consistent and I don't want auto reminders from a year ago. If I need to reflect or analyse I will do this myself, when I choose. Additionally every time an old activity appears it is a barrier to accessibly viewing your current activity/status. Clear access to current information is what we need. Thank you.

Mt. Kenya

Super annoying, except when the old rides it shoves in my face were ones that I did with a friend who has since passed away, in which case it's heartbreaking all over again.