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Status: Archived

Currently when I search for something like "Grand Ridge" or "Orcas 50K", the activity search returns me all activities that match any of the searched words.

In my case searching for "Orcas 50K" produces 55 results. I have 3600+ activities on Strava so that isn't surprising. The top result of my "Orcas 50K" search is Speedgoat 50K race and the second one is Chuckanut 50K. There are also results like "Easy dog run" close to the top of the list. That clearly isn't what I am searching for.

It is far more logical to narrow the search when multiple results are specified. Or perhaps it could continue all possible matches like it does currently but rank them based on how many words were matched. That is how web searches are ranked.

For example if I search for "Orcas 50K", results that have both "Orcas" and "50K" should be on the top, followed by results that match just "Orcas", followed by results that match just "50K". Also activities that have matched words in the title should be ranked higher than the ones where the matched words are in notes or other fields.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Archived
Moderator Moderator

Hello @Silentvoyager 

Thanks for your idea.  It looks like you've already submitted that idea here, and it has been opened up to voting in the Community.  I'm going to archive this thread to avoid splitting votes across similar ideas.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team