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Status: Open To Voting

Allow users to set in their profile "Mute By Default". This is a privacy setting, users may not wish to "flood" their friends or groups feeds with activities, even if they wish to record these activities for their own record.

Additionally, Mute should be able to be enabled on the web platform too, not just the app.


I think it is a good option to have.  I use Commutemarker for this purpose but I can see other activities (eg. Workouts) needing it.  Ideally it would be per activity type but overall would be ok too.


Also when uploading from external apps to strava I don't want to spam people with "external app activity name". I want to rename it, add photos, description, and only after that make it public. 

Mt. Kenya

I would also like this! I am a generally private person, and so I'm okay with my friends checking up on me when they want to, but I don't want to broadcast my daily workouts to them.

Mt. Kenya

Sometimes I'm going for a short walk to the bakery and back, less than 2km. My Garmin being linked to my Strava account, a public activity will be posted on Strava. Would it be possible to have the option to set such activities i.e. shorter than a certain time or distance, as private. In other word, I'm happy to keep a record on Strava but I don't see the point to make such short activity public. I would love to have such option. Thank you


Edit activity > at the very bottom, hit the “Mute Activity” checkbox

Mt. Kenya

Sure there’s always a manual way to do it. But for example, I’d like an automatic way to mute all activities shorter than 15 minutes and/or 3km. I don’t think this is possible yet, still easy to implement. 

Mt. Kenya

I can recommend for that. It is for me the best automatic tool for strava on the market.

Mt. Kenya

Agree! Make it happen!👍🏻👍🏻

Mt. Kenya

100% needs to be a default setting for not publishing any activities to the Home and Club feeds. Then can just edit individual activities and untick the box for any activities you do want to publish to the Home and Club feeds.

Mt. Kenya

I would suggest that mute activity be the default, in accordance with GDPR.

Article 4:


‘consent’ of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her;

In any case, and regardless of GDPR, for those who are privacy conscious, it's the preferred way of operating.

Mt. Kenya

this is really important Strava, please implement it! 

our feed would be so much cleaner if people would unmute only the important activities, not every commute, not every walk to the corner shop and so on...

Mt. Kenya

I would love the ability to Mute all Walks from my public feed. they are helpful for me to track but not part of any social activity or challenge.

Mt. Kenya

I was also waiting a long time for this feature, as I'm sometimes annoyed to see my feed spammed by commutes and dog walks, rather than training activities.

I set up this Pipedream workflow for myself, which updates my newly uploaded activities and sets the "Mute Activity" option after linking my Strava account to my Pipedream account. If anyone else would like to give it a try, I'll share a link. The workflow is currently configurated to mute all new activities EXCEPT stairstepper and tabletennis to show how that's possible. Feel free to configure this for yourself or delete that step altogether, as you'll use your own copy of the workflow.