From Strava:
Your privacy is important to us, and we’re committed to providing meaningful choices about how the personal information you choose to share on Strava is used.We are continually reviewing the community's feedback and product offerings to look for ways to improve the experience. We have already started to ship some improvements like hiding your activity's start time and a quick-edit screen. We have shared this specific request with our product team making improvements on these features.In the meantime, To hide your device from non-followers, you can adjust your Activity privacy controls to "Followers".
I recently upgraded my bike computer and bought a smart watch. Everyone can immediately check what types they are as they are displayed, taken from the .fit file.
I don't need to show off what gear I have. In many places, it's outright dangerous to share that you have an Apple Ultra or a Garmin Tactic watch, as thugs will follow and rob you for it.
So, please:
Create an option to hide the device name that is taken from the uploaded/synched .fit file
And/or an option to automatically rename a device between the .fit file and the Strava displaying of it.
Thanks for considering.
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