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Pico de Orizaba
Status: Gathering Kudos

As a user who takes part in events and trains swimming, I would like the ability to change the activity type to workout/race.  So that I can better describe what type of activity it was.

Currently, you can only mark a swim activity with the commute activity type (who is commuting via swimming?!). It would be great if you could describe your activity as doing drills (and hence speed will be significantly slower), or race so I can accurately find it in my timeline/Calander.

Mt. Kenya

Add "cadence" to kayaking.

Mt. Kenya

In the details section under "Type of Run," there should be an Easy Run or Recovery Run category in addition to Workout, Race, Long Run, and Commute.  While coaches and researchers suggest the majority of running miles should be "easy" or "recovery" miles, Strava cannot categorize a run under that label.  It would be beneficial to track these types of runs for oneself, as well as signal to followers what the purpose of the run is.  (This could also be helpful for cycling, but I have limited experience with the structure of cycling training.)